Order a federal Nuans report - Nuans

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Step 1 of 5: Propose a corporate name


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What a Nuans report provides

Nuans reports list similar corporate names and trademarks. A Nuans report is valid for 90 days. If the 90-day period has ended, you must order a new Nuans report to submit.

Getting a report does not mean that your proposed name has been approved. It simply means that the name has been reserved for you for 90 days while it is being reviewed for approval. The approval process varies by jurisdiction.

Order your report

Enter your proposed corporate name in the box below, then press the Next button. In Step 2, you will be asked to provide corporate name details. In Step 3, you will enter your email address in order to receive your report. You will make your payment in Step 4. In Step 5, you will receive your Nuans report.

Step navigation menu

Five easy steps
  1.  You are here:Propose a corporate name
  2.  Provide corporate name details
  3.  Enter your email address
  4.  Make your payment
  5.  Obtain your Nuans report
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